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Kijam Blog


June 28, 2007

My scans were better, not lighting up as much.  They saw a compression in T11, which is the middle of my back, but no tumors.  My right maxillary sinus area is lit up, but they say that can just be due to the inflammation there.  That side of my face is always puffy.  My blood is still good, and Deconti is going to have us try the VAC chemo, which is on Monday and Tuesday, for 1 1/2 hours each day.  He told us it may cause mouth sores, so I'll take precautions.  My platelets for blood clotting are up to a documented record of 78,000.  The minimum for the normal range is 143,000, so I'm still half-weird, half-normal there.  That may be the only thing that can show us whether my bone marrow is getting better, but Deconti can't say for sure.  "Deconti can't say for sure" is his unofficial slogan, but he's doing all right so far, so we'll follow him into this battleground as well. 

Anastasia was having worse stomach pains than usual today, so she called her doctor and got in today, instead of July 9th, to find out the results of her previous visit.  She...

Posted at: 06:58 PM | 3 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Just a normal, boring update

June 22, 2007

Feelin' fine.  No TV and no beer make Brian go something something.  Go crazy?  Don't mind if I do!  Wobbly ginggong faxanadu slalom wookiee malkil jango, pax rex oedipal electra ramayana baadaar namaste bhiralo mahabharate veda upanishad cholo ganga riffraff, and how about a remote-controlled sweet potato, eggplant?  Deconti said yesterday that I'm good, but that he will most likely change my chemotherapy next time from IE to VAC to see if it works better or worse.  Maybe my bone marrow will like it and make plenty of blood I can donate to the insane.  I also need more blood so I can feed a cow when I get one.  Holy cows demand sacrifice, you know.  On Monday I will have scans to see how the IE's been doing since the last time we looked, about six weeks ago.  We get all of the scans from Moffitt on CD for free, so we can expertly compare them after the doctors do their biased interpretations.  That's all for now.  Donkey Kong is an ape, okay?  Weirdo Japanese.
Posted at: 11:15 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

Base 10 and Frankenfishin'

June 20, 2007

For those who can't quit hassling me about the fish, jestermonkey now has a couple of new pictures, including an inoffensive picture of one of the pieces of the Frankenfish that I caught in my sinus lake of hell a while back.  I believe there were two pieces about that size that I cut off at the time by getting them through the eyehole, which is eyefishing, kind of like Minnesota ice fishin'.  Then the surgeon removed about three more pieces of that size a couple of days later, after Memorial Day.  I think Frankenfish is gone, but I will always have those bloody memories.

Transition # 1.  Scientific mavens were attempting to explain all of reality with one theory.  They used several space dimensions and one time dimension.  Supergravity theories with 11 dimensions were in vogue for awhile, but then string theory took over.  String theory used 10 dimensions, and then the supergravity theorists were relegated to wearing dunce hats.  Then string theory had 5 exclusive theories that used 10 dimensions.  Supergravity people made fun of this and used it to add some joy to their spite.  After many years, string theorists discovered that using 11 dimensions made everything...

Posted at: 01:43 AM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Gobble Gobble

June 13, 2007

The Turkish Muslims attacked the Romanian Christians.  Vlad Dracul repelled the invaders and became a hero to his people.  He liked to go down to the execution areas to eat and drink blood.  The myths and facts built up and he became legendary as "Dracula."  Now you know...the rest of the story. 

I watched Ace Ventura: Pet Detective again.  Still funny.  I don't care what you say.  So what if I watched it 10 times in 3 days when I first saw it?  It's one of the best.  I'm sure Kathy agrees. 

Anastasia has been addicted to the online game Mafia Wars.  It's very weird that she's playing a video game, and it's even weirder that she chose this one.  Ah so, I believe it is in her blood.  She has been banned for two days for cheating. 

Lloyd Goldstein is supposed to bring a guitar loop pedal when he shows up today or tomorrow so I can build up a whole bunch of guitar riffs, harmonies, and strange sounds all at once.  He says you can record on the same section about 20 times, so you can make a cacophony or heaven of musically musical music.  'Nuff said.


Posted at: 01:43 PM | 3 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Adventures Like Fighting Dragons and Mother-in-Laws

June 5, 2007

Actually, the problem was the shower curtain rod.  I guess I heard something  happening.  Something falling, and once I heard Anastasia scream.  Oh well, I'll wait.  Later, she came out crying.  The shower curtain and rod fell down twice, and the second time it hit her elbow hard.  I tried to put it up by myself and the curtain hooks and curtain started sliding off one end.  I had placed the rod's rubber stopper on one end, but that disappeared.  Anastasia tried to put everything together again but was humpty-dumptied.  She wouldn't let me help her for some reason.  We both looked for the rubber stoppers that were on the end of the curtain rod and couldn't find them.  They really disappeared like magic, so I've got to believe in magic now.  Kijam!  We looked everywhere on the floor in the bathroom, behind the toilet, in the tub, in the garbage, even in the bedroom under the computer desk and bed.  There's no way they could have escaped.  Damn it!  While I was looking under the bed, I decided to do some pushups.  I haven't been working out enough.  I only did 10.  I used to do 50.  Now I... [More]
Posted at: 12:08 PM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink


June 4, 2007

On Monday I went to Dr. Deconti and my blood levels were fine.  My platelets are back to pre-surgery levels, 62 instead of the 40's and 30's.  Maybe it's the marrow, maybe it's the platelet infusions I had last week, maybe it's magic. 

On Sunday I woke up.  Yeah, I did.  Anastasia and I went to the beach.  She wanted to go because I walked outside before she woke up and said it was a perfect day.   In the 80's with a 7.93 mph breeze.  The beach was bitchin'.  I was wearing my eyepatch and a bandanna.  Several people died when I looked at them.  It was powerful stuff.  We got our ankles into the water and it was powerful cold.  There were hardly any people in the water where we were, but to our left, a football field away, there were lots of humans in the gulf.  Why?  Maybe it was all of the seaweed in the water where we were, turning it a dark, murky green.  Yeah, that's it.  We walked 100 yards over and walked in to less infested water.  Still some seaweed, but not enough to start a sushi convention. 

I can't dive under the water, unfortunately, because I already have...

Posted at: 01:52 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Such tragedy befalls the innocent

June 1, 2007

Today, Friday, I had to get the new sinus packing from Tuesday removed.  There were no problems and no bleeding in between.  Excellent.  Last night I went to a cookout at Lars's new house.  There was a moment there when something fell into my throat, probably one of those appetizing blood clots, but I didn't have time to spit it up, so it slid down my throat.  No problem.  But as soon as I went to sleep and leaned back, some of the sinus packing unfurled and went a couple inches down my throat.  Of course I wanted to spit it out, but it was still hooked to the rest of the packing in my sinus.  So I had a lizard tongue hanging out my touth, but all I could do was pull and make the situation worse.  I had to get Anastasia to grab some scissors so she could cut off my tongue.  Finally she understood my mumbling shouts and got it done.  The packing was still long enough to hang in my throat a little bit, but I just had to get used to it and sleep with it there.  In case you don't know, it sucks.  You have to overrule your natural reaction and keep...

Posted at: 07:34 PM | 2 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

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